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Does garage door color matter

10/29/2013 Back To Blog

How much does color matter when it comes to your garage door? You have probably heard lot of times how the right choice of the garage door can make your property’s value significantly higher and you have probably heard of people actually painting their garage door and changing the color of the same but have you ever actually ask yourself what does garage door color has to do with anything?

Invisible garage door

In fact if you stop for a minute and try to remember what color garage door usually come in you will most probably be stuck with images of pail looking garage doors in your head. Well, this is mainly because two different reasons, the first one is because garage doors are this huge objects that apparently no one seems to ever notice. The other one is because in the recent past the manufacturers and producers of the garage doors had the tendency and the idea to blend the garage door into the property’s appearance in very discreet and unflashy way.

Colorful garage doors

Well times are definitely changing as well as garage door manufacture’s products and tendencies resulting into garage door of various shades and colors available on the market. Garage door color is definitely something that should be selected very carefully and with great attention. Sometimes more is less and less is more; and when it come to your garage door it will depend on the style of your door as well as on the overall look of your home property. Colored garage doors can definitely be fun and can definitely enhance the beauty of the door as well as the rest of the property. On the other hand, unskilled choice of the garage door can have completely opposite effect.

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Blog | Does garage door color matter